The OFFICIAL Yellow Ribbon Campaign Website

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Thank you for visiting the Official YRC page. Updated October 1, 2001
Hey yall. I am updating a lot more than I thought I ever would. I'm really busy right now with a teen group, volunteering up at the rec center, trying to understand my ex-boyfriend AND my backstabbing best friend (LONG story). So, I gtg. Luv you all. (Counter--1035) LRF(Love Riches and ame), ~*~*~Latoya~*~*~ Thank You everyone who participated. A special thank you to everyone who helped me to spread the word about the campiagn.Thank you to everyone who is willing to wear thier yellow ribbon to a BSB concert. Thanks to everyone else who helped come up with the idea (A LONG time ago) I love you guys. Everyone who helped out, I'd like to say that I'm sure it helped a lot of people. AJ inspired tons of people. And now we all know how one little incident can change the world. I know wearing a yellow ribbon all the time was probably aggravating. I cut mine off at 12 midnight last night, but not b4 checking my counter (905 hits!) It actually felt weird. I may not be wearing my ribbon all the time now, but I'm still going to keep on spreading the word about alcohol not being the answer for your problems. We can only get through this world together. Another thing, there was lots of talk about how this campaign would blow up and how BSB would have to hear about it (Even my dad was talking about it!). I'd love for them to hear about it, but the truth is, I did this for not only AJ, but me. I mean, I consider myself a nice person and all, but I've never got out and done something to make the world a better place until now. I'm just so happy that the turn out was so huge. I never thought it'd go this far, so I had to work warp speed through the past few weeks.(I haven't even had time to organize my b-day party, which is tomorrow, I'm turning 14) I'm gonna miss working on this campaign, this has been quite a summer. This entire experience has taught me a lot and I hope it taught you all a thing or two.
Keep the backstreet pride alive, believe in yourself you can do the impossible, and keep you head up high, I love you all,---Latoya Brown

If you have any comments you'd like to send in and have posted about the campaign, please email me at

Comments On YRC
That was an awsome website created for AJ/yellow ribbon. its amazing how many lives he has touched, i know he has forever touched mine. I put a yellow
ribbon in my car the day heard about the yellow ribbon campaign, so everytime i drove i was thinking about AJ. i also put a yellow ribbon around the door knob of the front door of my house, to remind myself everytime i came home about AJs bravery and how he touched my life. I even got my friend, a huge BSB fan also, to wear a yellow ribbon in her hair. My ribbons are still up,and i plan to take them tomorrow when i come home from seeing BSB in Milwaukee...there first concert back!!! BSB fans have been through so much this summer and with the yellow ribbon campaign we all proved just how strong we all stand. and you are a reflection that one voice can make a change. thank you for all your work!!!
Thanks Everyone!

By Now, many of you know about the death of Aaliyah, the popular R&B singer. We are all grieving, and praying for her family. This is a huge loss to the world. You can read the entire story at
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